Dr. Jane Wright | Board Certified Orthodontist

Dr. Jane Wright is a Board Certified Orthodontist practicing at Crawford and Wright Orthodontics with her father. She has her BS in Nutrition Science from the University of Minnesota, her DDS and MS in Oral Biology and Orthodontic Certificate from Marquette University. She has published a children's book called The Capture of Clementine that teaches about proper brushing, flossing and nutrition and has published in the Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry on tooth size and agenesis. Dr. Wright is an adjunct professor in the orthodontic department of Marquette University School of Dentistry. Dr. Wright is an active member of the Kenosha Dental Society, College of Diplomates of the American Board of Orthodontics and American Association of Orthodontics.
Dr. Wright maintains her passion for nutrition and overall health and enjoys a very active lifestyle. She and her husband reside in Kenosha with their 5 children and has hobbies that include running, dancing ballet and spending time with her friends and family.
Dr. Wright’s affiliations include:
- Associate Professor of Graduate Orthodontics, Marquette University
- Board Certified Orthodontist
- Council member on College of Diplomates of the American Board of Orthodontics
- Wharton School of Business – MBO, University of Pennsylvania
- Past President of the Kenosha Dental Society
- Burlington County Dental Society associate member
- Wisconsin Society of Orthodontics
- Wisconsin Dental Association (WDA)
- American Dental Association
- American Association of Orthodontics
- Midwestern Society of Orthodontics
- Awarded 2013 Leadership recognition by the WDA